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.Tuesday, July 27, 2010 ' 10:54 PM Y
Blogging has been my routine once a week for the past 10 weeks. Blogging has certainly improved my language and knowledge. Since I rarely read newspapers and get to know about the current affairs, blogging enables me to be aware of what is happening currently. Blogging has changed the way that I normally think and write. The blog serves as a wall where I get to convey my thoughts and express my feelings. I think further and deeper.

The issues that we are required to blog are somehow related to life. An example would be plagiarism. After reading the article, I am more cautious when researching for sources from the internet for projects. If not for the article, I would take plagiarism lightly and not be aware of the consequences. Nowadays, Singaporean children seem to be communicating in English more often. The article on the Mother Tongue language makes me realise on the importance of our second language. I learn to treasure my Mother Tongue language, sustain and try to communicate in it more.

My opinion on ways to keep Singapore young allows me to stay connected with the country. I get to express and suggest relevant strategies. The issue on the English Language make realise on the importance of having one. English Language plays an important part in both education and job industry. For Cyber Awareness, I have a more clear vision on the harmfulness of cyber.

Apart from expressing my thoughts, blogging enables me to share my views with the rest of my blog teammates. As each individual have a different opinions, I get to read their different perceptions. I feel more mature when tackling with the issues in blogging. No doubt that blogging has improved my language. Moreover, blogging make me ponder and broaden my thoughts.


. ' 10:47 PM Y
Emotional Intelligence refers to the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions. Some researchers suggest that emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while others claim it is an inborn characteristic.

Not everyone has natural emotional intelligence. When entering the job market, apart from high qualifications, employers would want to hire employees who are able to apply their expertise well.
Employees are not only required to complete the assigned tasks given and what differentiate them from the rest are their well-rounded qualities. This includes having the initiative to lead their peers or colleagues, working independently and anger management. Research collected by the Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations shows that salespeople, military recruiters, and executives with better scores on written EQ tests outperformed and out-earned colleagues who scored lower. This is probably due to the fact that occupations such as salesperson are constantly interacting with people and the environment. Older workers tend to have a higher EQ. Throughout their career life, they may be exposed and overcome with the challenges imposed. Younger workers may have insufficient experience as they just entered the working world.

The area that successful people have in their life is the ability to understand their own emotions and influenced, inspire and understand the emotions of others. The main ability of a successful leader is to recognize his followers’ emotions, problems and how they react to them. Hence, they will be able to lead their followers well. When a company hires a new employee, they are searching for a suitable candidate with qualities that distinguishes them from the rest. Companies conduct interviews to examine their emotional intelligence before selecting the best candidate. Interviews will enable employee to tackle their thoughts and answer the questions within the limited timing.

Overall, I feel that one who has emotional intelligence is a skill. One who possesses EQ is at an advantaged.




.Sunday, July 25, 2010 ' 8:20 PM Y
For the past few weeks, blogging has been a weekly routine for me. Even though sometimes I do it just for the sake of doing it or completing my homework, however blogging makes me grow more in touch with the outside world. Recently I've realised that we have been blogging on special issues that are not very much related to current affairs. In fact, we are blogging on issues such as cyber wellness and emotional intelligence. They are more related to individual skills.

For the past few weeks, I have been reading up on the articles given by my teacher Mr Pang for blogging and it has helped me in either getting more interested in the topic or it has helped me get more knowledge for the topic. For instance, for the cyber wellness blogging, I have come to know that spyware are simply able to get into my computer by downloading any possible files with spyware inside. In the topic of emotional intelligence, I have come to realise that employees are now recruiting people who have high emotional intelligence rather than people who have skills. Previously I have been believing that skills is the only crucial criteria that is able to get myself employed easily in the economy. I have been kept "in the dark" for these period until i read the article from Mr Pang for blogging.

In fact, blogging is also one way in which i can strenghten my english. I have been trying to blog in professional english to get my post presentable. However, how well I did can only be revealed once my teacher has got the results ready. Blogging have also made me more mature. More mature in terms of thinking. I have been doing simple research or using my basic intelligence that i have to post for the blog topic. I have been thinking further and deeper into the topic and it has helped me to widen my ideas and to expand more knowledge that I am capable to have.

Overall, blogging have been a fun issue to me that I have been able to commit myself to post weekly. I am also able to contribute my own ideas and views which can be shared with my friends who visits my blog. Similarly, I am able to visit other people's blog to see how they write and what they write to fill myself with more interesting informations.

Er Chin


. ' 7:28 PM Y
Emotional Intelligence is what people need to have. Emotional Intelligence can be used in many aspects of our lives.

In this world, Emotional Intelligence plays a big part in recruitment of jobs. Employee does not look at the skills of employers. They look for employers attitude and character. Most importantly, the inner capabilities. Maybe people will be wondering what "inner capabilities" are? It simply refers to the special capabilities that people have in their character. Some simple examples are to build relationship with one another, the ability to finish or rush work when facing pressure and etc. Employees need people who have the attitude or commitment towards the work they are assigned to rather than skills. It is believed that people who have the attitude or commitment will do the job whole heartedly rather than those who have skills and slack off. In addition, when they have the attitude, this shows that they have the similar attitude towards learning to upgrade themself with more experience. Therefore, this is one of the main reason why employees are now looking for such people as they feel that it is more worth while to find these "treasures" where they have the inner capability. Skills can be taught and it is much more easier than learning skills than Emotional Intelligence.

Positive working attitude is important and this sector falls under EQ which is also known as Emotional Intelligence. One good example of a group of people who have high EQ are teachers. Even though statistically it may not be through but teachers are very good in building relationship skills. They can easily communicate with students and know what we like. Students at this generations do not look forward to boring lessons. In fact teachers are now trying to change the style of teaching to bring up the lively classroom environment. How can they do it? Teachers basically will find out what students prefer for the lesson to be teached. Once again, it requires communication skills and the ability to understand students' needs and wants. Students now do not prefer boring and experienced teachers. In fact, they prefer teachers who can make lessons interesting and yet experienced. In this situation, we can see that how Emotional Intelligence have caused a great impact in the educational sector.

In conclusion, I personally feel that Emotional Intelligence is something we need to groom ourself with personally. People would prefer working towards a interesting journey using EQ rather than going by theory. Individuals would be able to improve on their own character to blend into any environment when they are being placed in using EQ.

Er Chin


. ' 4:08 AM Y
My blogging experience over the past 10 weeks has been unforgettable memories. Although this is a compulsory task but it has benefit me in many ways. I have gain much understanding to view an issue from different perspectives before giving my point of view. Due to school projects and workload, I had rarely read newspapers or even watch television on the news. Consequently, this activity had changed my outlook to become more mature as I need to read on related articles to improve my knowledge on the blog topic. I have learnt to use more precise words which can represent what I say in a better way. I am also capable of organizing my thoughts and to be discipline. I really enjoyed sharing my thoughts and reactions here.

Regarding the issue of the weighting of Mother Tongue, it makes me proud of my country to be ethnic-society. Without Mother Tongue language, Singapore would remove its advantage to convey moral values and cultural traditions in each race.

How Singapore can stay ‘Forever Young’, there are five factors of improving in the education system, attracting more talented people to maintain the population rate, and having a good and capable leader will enable ‘Singapore to stay forever young as a country.’

Plagiarism is also known as duplicating of others’ work without seeking the permission from the author. Teachers should ensure students are aware of the consequences such as get suspended or even expelled from school.

To marked 5th June World Environment Day with the aim of honoring environmentalists who have played an active role in accent human impact on the environment over the years. Therefore, we must always keep our country clean and green.

Self-reflection may lead independently to creativity, depression. Even if you have made a mistake you can reflect on it; it is because you can reflect on and repent your actions that you are able to undo mistakes. People who are more prone to be suffering from depression are those who have low self-esteem.

World Cup affecting Office Productivity, Fifa World Cup grips the globe every four years. Some employers have adopted a selective and conditional approach, making any leave reliant on the company condition at the time including the employee function and role.

Cyber Wellness is very important for us to be known about the severe consequences of the continuous indulging in using the computer for long hours. Such as internet and game addiction have causes a lot of people killing their own family member.

The English Language plays a vital role in today's global challenge, be it in business or personal affairs. It serves as a key force in bridging barriers in communication which can make or break international relations and state of affairs.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage emotions in positive and constructive ways. It is also about engaging with others in ways that draw people to you.




. ' 2:12 AM Y
Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, utilize, comprehend, and manage emotions in positive and constructive ways. It's about recognizing how one's feelings and emotions are evaluated or controlled and being able to label others' emotional state. Emotional intelligence is also about engaging with others in ways that draw people to you.

Emotional intelligence consists of four core abilities:
•Self-awareness - To recognize our emotion and how it affects our thoughts and behavior, knowing our own strengths and weaknesses and having self-confidence.
•Self-management - To control spontaneous feelings and behaviors, managing emotions in healthy ways, taking initiative on commitment and adapt to changing circumstances.
•Social awareness - To understand the emotions, needs, and concerns of others, picking up on emotional cue, feels comfortable socially and recognizing the power dynamics in a group or organization.
•Relationship management - To develop and maintain good relationships, communicate clearly, motivate and influence others, working well in a team and managing conflicts.

Emotional intelligence is educated based on what we see, hear, and feel, but the development of it depends on sensory, nonverbal learning and real-life practice. Once we are overwhelmed by stress our brain overrides the rational parts, hijacking our best-laid plans, intentions, and strategy. We need to learn how to remain active and accessible even in time of stress. Being able to manage stress in the moment is the key to resilience. This helps to stay focus, and control what challenges encountered.

Reducing stress is recognizing what stress feels like. Many of us spend so much time in an unhinged state that we’ve forgotten what it feels like to be tranquil and relaxed. We need to identify our stress responses as everyone reacts differently to control stress. Become angry and agitated? Freeze with anxiety? The best way to reduce stress quickly is through the senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. Emotional awareness is the key to understanding oneself and others.

Most people have detached from their emotions especially strong core emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, and joy. We can deny or numb our feelings, but we can’t get rid of them. Unfortunately, without emotional awareness, we are unable to understand our motivation and needs or to communicate effectively with others. Nonverbal communication involves paying attention to eye contact, facial expression, tone of voice, posture and gesture, timing and pace.

Humor and laughter are natural antidotes to life difficulties which helps us lightens our burdens. Such as to view our frustrations and disappointments from new perspective; it also enables us to survive annoyance and setbacks. Simultaneously relaxing and energizing ourselves to relieve fatigue, which allows us to recharge and accomplish tasks well.




.Saturday, July 24, 2010 ' 2:10 PM Y
My blogging experience over the past 10 weeks has been memorable as this is a weekly affair. Although this is a compulsory acitivity, it is still beneficial in one way or more. From the experience, I have also gained a more positive and opened outlook towards a variety of world events that have taken place, thus, viewing those events at a deeper level.

Generally, blogs are kept and used for reflection on a day's activities. As such, bloggers may also voice out their personal thoughts and opinions regarding issues they wish to discuss on. Unlike usual blogs, the different blogs, which my classmates had created in their individual groups, served a special significance. For this blogging activity, one blog is shared among five students. This seems to be unique and outstanding.

Due to the heavy load of schoolwork, reading the newspapers or watching the news on television has gradually become a seldom affair. Placing a large emphasis on studies has caused me to negect the time set aside intentionally meant for reading the newspapers or watching the news. Thus, this labels me as a 'country bumpkin' in some sense. Also, other activities are allocated during leisure time. Besides, in my previous view, reading the news is categorised as boring and taking too much time.

Blogging on the latest news, reports and articles has broadened my knowledge horizon. Through those reading materials, my knowledge of the world's happenings has since expanded. However, blogging can only be a temporary substitude for reading the newspapers. Through the compulsory reading of articles to complete the blog entries has increased my awareness on world issues. Although blogging takes time and requires deep thinking, it is still an enjoyable experience on the overall.

There is also an added advantage to this. Reading blog entries written by others also expands my vocabulary knowledge by taking note of the profound words they have used. It is interesting to notice the differing views that others have on a same issue.

The blogging experience has developed my maturity and independence to a higher stage. Blogging has enabled me to enhance my writing skills and process my thoughts in depth rather than on the surface level. My interest in world news has also gone up. Basically, everyone has a part to play in sharing their opinions on various issues. Blogging based on personal thoughts has added colour to the news.

Essentially,  I am now more determined to read the newspapers daily to enrich my knowledge of world news and gain a deeper understanding of current world affairs.




. ' 12:48 PM Y
On the surface, the idea of 'EQ- Emotional Intelligence' can be interpreted according to the basic, straightforward meaning of both words. Advancing beyond the surface, a deeper meaning lies behind the two-word phrase, 'Emotional Intelligence'. Many may have come acrossed the term IQ (Intelligence Quotient), simply defined and labelled based on a person's level of intelligence. However, what exactly is EQ?

EQ refers to 'soft skills' which may comprise of factors such as creativity, empathy for others, ability to build rapport through socialising, being flexible by adapting to changes and having a good working attitude. Overall, the various skills listed above are found and contributed within a person's own character and personality.

In today's working society, EQ is becoming more commonly used and has gained recognition among the employers. Besides IQ, employers are now seeking for people with a high level of EQ to work in their companies. Apart from the 'hard skills' of knowledge and capability, a person's EQ is also being judged upon. Positive human relations play a major role and is beneficial to a company. Companies do hire and welcome those with good qualifications and expertise to join the team. However, what matters most is how these staff manage relations with both internal (colleagues) and external (clients) parties of the company.

Pools of talents are available everywhere, picking on one person solely based on qualifications is easy. But how is one differentiated from the rest? Assuming that resumes received by a company show similar standards of qualifications, how is the managment going to wisely decide on the 'right' person? In this case, interviews are helpful. This enables the company to gain a deeper understanding of their potential employees by shooting questions targeted to test on their EQ level. The questions posed may require thinking on how to handle certain difficult situations. Essentially, building amicable relationships with clients is of priority to a company as this can be an assurance of future long-term partnerships.

Aside from the workplace, first impressions usually last on a person's EQ that is portrayed to the other party. For instance, communication through the tone of voice speaks about a person; an arrogant/ harsh/ boastful/ kind/ concerned tone? Compared to IQ, those with a higher level of EQ are more well-liked by the majority. Of course, having a combination of both high IQ and EQ is definitely the best result. A possibility arises when a smart and knowledgable person is also humble and thoughtful in nature. Such a person will then be highly respected and admired. In my view, it is pointless to only have high IQ. Without EQ, it is difficult to get along well with peers. There are times whereby one needs to rely on others too. Similar to IQ, having a high EQ is an advantage over the rest. EQ is unlike a skill which can be easily learned. Instead, EQ is embedded into one's personal growth and development along the years.

Despite differing views towards Emotional Intelligence with regards to its usefulness of being judged upon, it is still an undeniable fact that EQ has gained greater importance today. The end-result of this competition of a winner is determined by both IQ and EQ, but EQ stands out at a higher percentage now.

-Pearlyn :D-



.Tuesday, July 20, 2010 ' 8:15 PM Y
Learning English language is highly essential since it is a common and popular language used worldwide. In Singapore, English language serves as a bridge of communication among the different racial group and connects them.

From the article given, Beijing has implemented several means to improve the nations English language standard. A minimum of 60 percent of shop assistants, receptionists and hairdressers under 40 will be required to pass English tests by 2015, as will 80 percent of police officers. By applying these methods, shop assistants, police officers and receptionists will not face any communication barriers when interacting with tourists or foreigners.

Communicating in English has several benefits. Having the capability to communicate in English language plays a role when one enters the job sector in Singapore. In the job sector, English language is the foremost criteria to ensure your eligibility in the company. Over the years, English language has aid the commercial transactions around the globe. Speaking in English enables the different multi-ethnic groups to understand what they are conveying to each other.

Schools are emphasizing to students on the importance of English language. This can be illustrated in the education system. For example, for the O-level examination in secondary school, students gain admission to junior colleges or polytechnics based on L1R5 aggregate. English language is a compulsory subject that students must take. The grade that a student achieves for the English subject will be included and is a huge component in the L1R5 aggregate system. In schools, subjects like Science and Mathematics must be taught in English.

People are constantly catching up with English language. Extracted from an article, “Importance of English Language in India”, it states that the study of English assist in developing the country. Knowledge of the language is required in job tasks. Without English language, mechanics, technicians and engineers cannot progress. Communicating in English also applies to the leaders of India. Learning and understanding 10 to 15 different languages by heart is extremely impossible for them to achieve. A country depends on their leaders to lead the way. If the leaders themselves are incapable of communicating in a fluent manner, how will the nation survive?

We are living in the world of globalization. English language is a common language that we often use in our communication. English language should be cherished and continuous learning of the language should be encouraged.




. ' 7:56 AM Y
English is one of a well known language in the world. It is being used as an official
language in administration in the world now. More and more countries are now picking
up english so as to catch up with the modern world. Countries like China and Malaysia.
In Singapore, english is used as an official language in terms of adminstration and the
people here are speaking more english. This could be the fact that Singapore was once
under the British rule and that is the reason why Singapore has adapted the english
language. In a multi racial country like Singapore, english is the language that allows
all races to communicate together. To fail english language in the Ordinary Level
Examinations, candidates will suffer from getting into the next level in education.
Junior Colleges and most of the Polytechnic course requires at least a pass in english.
In these way, we can see that english is so vital and important in Singapore.

In a few years time, english may lose it's vital position of being world's official
language. That is due to China's continuous improvement in economy. When China take over
United States gain the big powers of the world, the whole world will be affected. In
this way, China will be using their own national language to communicate to the word,
In terms of economic uses, trade, and other uses. If this really happens, the whole
world might be considering learning another language, chinese. However we must be aware
that we are currently adapted to the english language for world's official language.
All of a sudden to adapt the chinese language, countries around the world may not keep
up with the pace. It is a good issue that the people of China are now learning Chinese.
China will be asking a minimum of 60 percent of shop assistants, receptionists and
hairdressers under 40, 80 percent of police officers and every civil servant under the
age of 40 with a bachelor's degree to learn english. In this way, they are keeping up
to the modern world.

My conclusion is that the world have been adapting to english language as the world's
official language, it is possible for the world to adapt another language but will not
be successful in a short timing. I believe if english were to be kept as official language
of the world, there will not be any problems in communication.

Overall, english is a very important language. Currently as the official language of the
world, we must continue to improve our english so as to better communicate with people
around the world.

Er Chin



.Saturday, July 17, 2010 ' 2:21 PM Y
English Language has now inarguably achieved global status. Communication plays a vital role in today's global challenge, be it in business or personal affairs. English language serves as a key force in bridging barriers in communication which can make or break international relations and state of affairs. English can be the most beneficial decisions an individual can make to further a business career. It is exchanged in the worldwide in terms of the information.

Many citizens of foreign countries speak English as a second language. This helps to communicate with tourists, as well as during business meetings. In countries all over the world, English is often spoken fluently, or at least basically understood. Many countries across the world are fluent in English; the language has become the accepted standard of communication for tourists. Example: It will help not only to navigate a country, but also to hail a cab and find the way around an airport. Whenever we turn on the news to find out what's happening in East Asia, or Africa, or South America, or practically anywhere, local people are being interview and telling us about it in English.

"English is definitely a widely spoken language for 400 million people, and a fluent second language for between 300 and 500 million more individuals. Quoted from an article," Most of the world's influential newspapers do have English editions, and more than 90 percent of the major science magazines in the world are published in English. This means that through English Language everyone can read and understand what the newspapers article are about and have no obstacles over it. English is also used in most countries as an official or semi-official language. English language is the working of the Asian trade group ASEAN.

One of the more remarkable aspects of the spread of English around the world has been the extent to which schools have begin to focus on providing quality English instruction to students in primary, secondary school, and even colleges to prepare them to be globally competent. With this in mind, Asian countries should also take the grip in improving the linguistic skills of the students, first and foremost the English language. Mastery of various languages will prepare each and everyone to be globally competitive.

English has without a doubt become the global language.




. ' 12:50 PM Y
The English Language has seemingly gained importance in today's world. Based solely in Singapore, a multi-racial society comprising of 4 different races, communicating verbally using English has enabled the message to get across to the other party easily. To the majority of Singapore's generation, especially the teens and young adults, English can be considered as their First Language. However, Singapore was after all a British colony in the past. Hence, there were forefathers of Singapore who could speak English even before Singapore gained independence in 1965. Such a language has since been passed down to the descendants. External influences from the Western countries in the region aided the English language to be known, spoken and written by many across the world.

The spread of English languge is evident in many countries, including China. Previously, locals living in China spoke mainly the Chinese language. Through the years, there has been an increasing number of locals there who are learning to speak English. Schools in China also educate the students in terms of speaking basic English. Only so, will the future generations be bilingual, fluent in both the English and Chinese language. Besides China, the English language has also caught up with India and various Asian countries.

English is being recognised as a global language, whereby everyone, regardless of their nationalities, should be able to speak English as a form of communication. With everyone being able to speak and write English minimises commucation barriers, especially among countries. Thus, when addressing a group of foreign ambassadors or even simply others who are from different countries, it may be inconvenient to depend fully on translators. This slows down the whole speech which the person may be trying to get across. Plus, with the translator acting as a middleperson, parties at both ends may lose their patience while waiting to hear what the other has to say. Overall, a similar message has to be repeated twice, which may seem pointless and unnecessary.

Having knowledge about the English culture can be beneficial, both socially(people relations) and economically. Zooming deeper within, this starts from citizens themselves which then branches out to the whole country. With a common speaking language, English supports the people in fostering closer relationships with one another. This can be clearly portrayed when a country's citizens socialise with citizens from other countries, though the countries have their own specific language.
When trade discussions are held among ministers from various countries, English will be the best language to be communicated in. Also,  the English-educated may tend to be highly regarded and give the others a deeper and positive impression of one's capability.
Nowadays, many world-class events are organised and held in countries. Listing down a few chronologically: 2008 Olympic Games hosted by Beijing, 2009 Formula 1 racing in Singapore, 2010 Youth Olympic Games in Singapore and the most recent, 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa. People from all around the world would specially fly into the country just to catch the event LIVE. They harbour high expectations of the country's citizens, including service standards and environmental cleanliness. Once a particular country is chosen to host the event, it generates a lot of revenue for the country. In the case of China, she needs to welcome visitors into her country. How would it be possible if China's citizens speak only Chinese? As a result, the residents had to brush up on their English language, which can be seen as an added advantage for the future. Morever, investments in a country regardless of whether it is from an individual or another country also depend on communication between both parties. Essentially, smooth talks rely on both the content and language spoken in. Both parties should feel comfortable while negotiating (terms have to be met), in order to achieve a successful result.

Quoted from an article "Most of world's influential newspapers do have English editions, and more than 90 percent of the major science magazines in the world are published in English." What does this show about the English language? In most countries, the English language has an upperhand compared to other languages. Westerners and Asians are able to work well together if they can speak a common language, English. With reading materials published in English, this caters to and benefits the English-educated. Thus, English has been extended through both verbally and written usage.

The vast English language, with differing synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, how confusing can it get? Of course, learning to master the lauguage can be a feat in the beginning. With determination and patience, one is sure to succeed. As the English language currently dominates over the other languages, it is definitely a winning advantage to learn this language.

-Pearlyn :D-



.Wednesday, July 14, 2010 ' 12:03 AM Y
Internet was created in 1960s. Its development over the last 2 decades had groomed it into a key component of everyday lives of trillions of users. Over the years, the Internet had transformed from a reliable work resource into a system that allows people to share personal views, photos and videos.
Despite countless had used Internet for years, not all had sufficient knowledge and maturity to demonstrate cyber wellness.
Most frequently, personal reflections and views were shared in a harsh manner, such as critics and slanders. There were many who were charged due to these comments, such as the teenagers who were sued years ago for posting comments that implied racial discrimination. Unfortunately, their immaturity did not spare them from the law. Cyber crime is another pressing matter that youngsters had committed usually through hacking or over copyright issue. These trends recognized the importance of imparting cyber wellness to the young generation before tragedy. Cyber bullying could be reduced to the minimum with the influence from cyber wellness, where users were taught to be responsible and sensible online.
As reflected in PIP report, teenagers were expected to increase their reliance on Internet. Cyber wellness is not only about acting legally, but also sensibly. Teenagers would need certain control from parents and teachers to ensure that they do not over rely on Internet. A group of primary students attempted to jump down from a building after fully convinced by a ridiculous rumour online. Despite the extreme case, many had suffered from an imbalanced social lifestyle. Most of them were too engaged in networking online than to build healthy relationships outside the screen. These had eroded their emotional and physical health gradually. Such tragedies can be prevented with knowledge of cyber wellness.
In summary, from my personal opinion, cyber wellness should be identified as a requirement in primary or secondary education system. Its impact on the youth generation will determine the future wellness of the society.




.Tuesday, July 13, 2010 ' 10:44 PM Y
Information Technology seems to be important to everyone. Even employees and students depend on technology to work and study. A form of technology is the internet. For instance, in polytechnics and junior colleges, projects are part of the curriculum. They are required to conduct researches from the internet. As a student, apart from gathering resources from the internet, I surf the internet for entertainment. The internet is also a convenient spot where people shop online e.g. blogshops. Face book, blogs, YouTube and twitter are websites that teenagers often visit.

We usually assume that it’s safe to log in to a particular website or chatting online with a stranger. Most Singaporean youths do not exercise cyber wellness. By definition, cyber wellness is the positive well-being of Internet users and a healthy cyber culture for the Internet community. They lack of understanding of the risks of harmful online behaviour, an awareness of how to protect oneself and others from such behaviour, and recognition of the power of the Internet to affect oneself and the community at large. Thus, those who lacks of understanding on cyber wellness are vulnerable to online cons such as get rich schemes and fake business opportunities.

Gaming is also an addiction that teenagers find hard to control. When gamers are focused on gaming, they neglect having meals on time and have sufficient sleep. This will affect and deteriorate their health. Internet users have abused the luxury of surfing the internet. Examples of such are spamming people’s blog with negative comments and posting racist remarks. Internet users should be mindful of what they post online or otherwise, they will bear the consequences. In schools, it is considered to be a serious offence. Students will be punished accordingly and can also be classified as a crime for posing insulting remarks.

Parents can play a role to promote cyber wellness to their children. Having consistent checks on the sites that teenagers visit is a good way to keep track on them. Parents will be well-aware of their children activities. Children are encouraged to be educated on cyber wellness when they are young. On the other hand, teenagers should refrain themselves from visiting illegal websites. Internet is not a harmful as long as the internet users do not misused the internet and visit appropriate sites.




.Sunday, July 11, 2010 ' 5:31 PM Y
The world has now covered with high technology in terms of almost everything. We can see that information technology have been used in almost every aspect in our life. One of the very famous information technology is the internet. That is why there is something called Cyber Wellness to tackle problems online such as scams and know how to protect themselves in the interent.

There have been high risk harms on internet for the past few years with scams of account number or information and sometimes even hacking into accounts such as online bank accounts to make some secret transactions. In addition, viruses are now everywhere, more wicked, more powerful and more dangerous. These viruses can actually hack into computers without the owner noticing it. So there is nothing safe when we are on the internet as we do not know what the other party actually is. There is also spyware which is difficult to detect. It collects little bits of information from the owner without the acknowledgement.

Recently users online are posting remarks in the net without thinking twice. In fact, they should think thrice instead. Posting sarcastic or racist remarks online could lead them into court case. Sometimes cyber bullying can also lead to court case. Users online vent their anger or frustrations on targeted people's blogs or for example facebook to discriminate or to show him or her that they are not happy. It could also lead to further parties involved when one of the side calls for more help from other party. Therefore, users online must be responsible, respectful and rational on the things or remarks they post online.

When we navigate to different websites, we can see that there is "congratulations" message or banner at the side of the web page. Most of the time it congratulate users of winning some kind of lottery or prize. However, how do we know that they are real? Sometimes when users simply click on those banners or messages, they got struck straight away by viruses. This is how dangerous internet can be. Many users will think that it is a scam and they will choose not to click on it. However, there are also users who are curious or thinks that it really is true. In the end, they are the one who gets scammed.

Users nowadays believe that once they do not trust any scamming sites or do not reveal their personal information, they are safe. However we must be very aware that even though such precautions are taken, internet is never safe. Even if Anti Virus Software is even installed. Statistics shows that around 90% of the users downloads files online instead of buying from stores. We must be aware that sometimes files uploaded contains spyware which is purposely uploaded with the files by the user. This is one of the ways how users bring spywares to other user's computer.

Students go online to do homework, they do research and then look for information for their studies. Students tends to plagiarise informations online. This is one of the way that has harmed students in terms of effort put in in projects.Users who are shopping addicts do shopping online. However, did they think about any possible scams that is going to occur in terms of payment made but failed to get the things they are looking for. This questions users online of how well they know which is the trusted site to go make their orders on.

Pornography have also been one of the very famous negative cyber points that have affect users online negatively. Due to high technology, pornography can now be found anywhere and everywhere online. Though there are efforts in removing such sites, there are still too many to hunt down. Pornography also affects youths or teenagers to think dirty and sometimes it do affect their thinking. Online news shows many people are convicted of rape or molest mostly due to uncontrollable actions when they are way too engrossed in such stuffs.

In conclusion, we can see that these cyber problems has caused so much harms on users and may result to serious penalties. Users must not look on such cyber attacks lightly. There is nothing in this world that is safe in internet. More schools must follow the foot step of Nanyang Polytechnic which has introduce modules such as Cyber Wellness to students to teach them some internet skills to protect themselves against possible cyber attacks. I believe parents also plays a huge part in making sure that their children are on the right site which are trusted in order to make sure that they do not go untrusted site.

Er Chin



.Saturday, July 10, 2010 ' 10:46 PM Y
Introduction to the Internet
As the world advances into the modern Information Technology (IT) age, the internet has become a common usage by many. In contrast to the past bulky computers decades back when Microsoft Word software was still a big hit, the internet in present appeals to the tech-savvy generation. The existence of internet connectivity has made communication easier with possible immediate responses from the other party. Information is widely available and accessible, be it coming from opposite regions of the globe. Majority of those living in the 21st century, with regards to frequent users of the internet, would have come across famous websites such as 'Friendster', 'Facebook', 'Twitter', 'Youtube' etc... Once the user logs on to the internet and visit various sites, every single information that needs to be researched on via the web can be found directly at his fingertips. To carry out online transactions such as banking, shopping and booking of tickets has become more convenient. Just by staying at home and transacting online, one can get many things done. An added advantage, the millions of sites easily surfed on the internet help to kill boredom. The happenings of world and entertainment events can be read directly from news sites. As a result of the numerous benefits the internet brings, it is much appreciated by everyone, especially heavy users. (Those who use the internet for communication/carry out transactions/gaming etc...)

Dangers of the Internet
Despite the many benefits of the internet, the fact that this includes dangers posed is also inevitable. This mostly occurs when conmen make use of the internet to create scams/ young innocent girls fall prey to love cheats whom they communicate with solely online. There are always two sides to everything. On one hand, almost any information needed can be found from the internet. Plus, casually surfing the internet and chatting with friends via MSN messenger are forms of leisure activities. However, who can see the face that lies beyond the computer screen? Who are you actually communicating with if you do not know the person? This remains unknown unless through the use of webcams or videoconferencing. The mysteriousness within the internet has yet to be revealed…

Tricks up the Sleeves
While using the internet, a message may suddenly pop-out, 'You have won 1 million dollars in lottery!' Does one have any idea who it is from? What lottery ticket are they referring to? This seems to puzzle most people in general who receive such messages especially through their own personal email accounts. Or maybe with promises of guaranteed returns if one invests money into a 'share'. Usually, lump sums of money by the 'investor' will be deposited into a particular bank account. However, the contact with the unknown party soon ceases. As a result, the money is gone just like that. Everyone knows that there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world... There is definitely a catch to such 'false' benefits. Many people have fallen into the tricks of those conmen.
Let's take students for example. MSN messenger is a common online chatting site. Thus, there is a possibility that one may end up communicating with strangers who is added under their contacts. How can one know for sure that the other party is saying the truth? Personal information can be hidden for a period. But in real life, there are previous cases whereby the exact person who claims to be a teenage boy aged 17 may turn out to be a middle-aged man.

On the surface, the internet may seem to be harmless tool. One just sits front of the computer, clicking and typing away. How can it possibly be a ‘danger’? However, forums and blogs are created on internet sites, whereby the public can share their views with others. In addition, there are many online games such as MapleSea/Audition/GetAmped etc... which many young teens fancy and enjoy. With all the interaction going on with one another, regardless of whether friends or strangers, this may lead to cyber-bullying of a targeted person. Such as a group of teens gather together using their virtual identities and pick up a fight or tease another vulnerable character. This may lead to severe consequences. There have been recent articles published in newspapers regarding blog quarrels and via Facebook. The internet is a free speech arena. In forums, one can post anything he wants, be it criticisms/vulgarities/voicing out his anger and so on.

Cyber Wellness
Cyber Wellness comprises of knowing how to protect oneself from dangers posed by the internet, abiding by the internet safety rules and maintaining the positive well-being of users by developing a healthy cyber culture. Therefore, it is essential that one uses the internet wisely. Sometimes, there are people who illegally download songs from the internet. In their opinion, this is simply what everyone has been doing. Since the songs are uploaded onto the website, which is meant to be downloaded, how could it be considered illegal?

Education Curriculum
Schools have implemented Civics/Moral Education lessons to inculcate values into students. One of the modules under such lessons is cyber wellness, which aims to educate the students on cyber awareness. They learn to be careful while using the internet, refrain from chatting with strangers and falling into scams. Being taught from young, the students will have a better idea of how to protect themselves and be a healthy cyber well-being.

Overall, everyone should have a clear understanding of the meanings behind cyber wellness. With added awareness, they can be cautious while using the internet. This prevents scams and cheats from succeeding. Also, people will ensure that whatever activities they commit using the internet is legal. To lead a safe cyber lifestyle starts from individuals themselves.

-Pearlyn :D-



. ' 6:04 PM Y
Cyber wellness in which encompasses safety and security online, but also considers people's psychological and emotional well being. This day’s many young children may be affected along with the range of issue regarding use of new mobile and internet technology.

Therefore, when people become an internet addiction, they do not regard the internet as an information or communication tool, nor do they use it only for enjoyment. Instead they use the internet as a means to escape from their problems while they spend time online.

• Spend most of the time online, ignored their family and friends, normal daily tasks are affected too
• Feeling anxiety and discomfort when disconnected from the practical world
• Inability to gaming activity and to differentiate between the real world and the fantasy world

Some signs of symptom include:

• Feeling restless, moodiness
• Preoccupation with the internet
• Increase the amount of time spends on internet to achieve satisfaction
• Depression or irritability when attempting to reduce internet time

Strategies to prevent internet addiction:

• The computer should be place accessible by all, where monitoring internet usage is easy
• Consent to time limit for internet use outside school hours
• Parents can spend more quality time with them so as to let them stay away from the internet
• Keeping record of all the sites visited and installs filters

Example: South Korea’s gaming addicts (2002)

24 - year old Kim Kyung - Jae collapsed and died after playing computer games non-stop for 86 hours. Kim played from 8am until midnight over 4 months, gained 5kg, on one meal a day of instant noodles.

Consistently games are addictive because of several reasons: Games are designed such that they are not intended to complete in one session. Within the games, there are sub-plots and mini-games.

• Motivated to complete the levels of games and each level is achieved with increasing difficulty
• Exciting and elaborate plots that evolve over time
• Some games are on-going, played by gamers all over the world in real-time
• Mentality of players is to be the winner of the game who dislikes to be defeated by other opponents

Some symptom of game addiction:

• Trouble with school attendance and encountering difficulty in coping with school work
• Sitting at the computer and typing on the keyboard for long hours may resulting in physiological problems such as neck and back aches
• Suffering sleep disturbances and or eating problems
• Neglecting personal hygiene

In conclusion, cyber wellness is very important for us to be known about the severe consequences of the continuous indulging in using the computer for long hours.




.Tuesday, July 6, 2010 ' 9:31 PM Y
World Cup is the most prestigious soccer tournament held once every 4 years. The entire world is thrilled by the excitement, the highlights and most importantly the GOALS. The World Cup not only creates countless opportunities for the players and teams, it also significantly boosts the economy of the host nations, due to the influx of the fans and supporters all over the world. Beyond the countries boundaries, the whole world entertainment industry also ballooned. Despite all the economy benefits World Cup brought, there are adverse effects arise from the World Cup fever.

As reflected in the articles, the World Cup generally brings down the productivity and the workability of workers as a whole. Die-hard fans stayed up late into midnight to catch the live telecast of the matches. On the other part of the world, those who are luckier need not stay up late for the matches; however, they will find themselves facing the time clashes of the match and working hours. The BBC report commented on such dilemma vividly. It also gave a good advice that the real key to resolve is to make the right priority. The various suggestions it gave become a good guideline for employees to reflect and ponder on.

Mr. Zhang from Wuhan had implied his priority in the People’s Daily report, that he is willing to quit his job for the World Cup. In fact, as foreseen by the report from CNA, that there will be rises in official leave, has become a real threat to employer. Eventually, those without official leave may fall sick and take sick leave due to the unhealthy lifestyle to stay through late night for live matches. Thus, the World Cup fever has transformed into physical fever. Of those who are more sustainable, their focus and productivity shrunk significantly during the World Cup season. In addition to passionate fans like Mr. Zhang, the productivity of each business seems falling into a bottomless pit.

In summary, we could conclude that the World Cup, like anything else, brought about both positive and negative impacts on the economy. A wise employer needs to prepare for worse case scenario like this. On the other hand, a wise employee will need to maintain a right balance between leisure and work, while not losing the passion for this World Cup fever. Work hard, and enjoy the World Cup.




.Thursday, July 1, 2010 ' 11:55 PM Y
Fifa World Cup grips the globe every four years. ‘Goals’ are toasted and flags are waved as the World Cup seizes the heart of people everywhere in the world. It has continues to grow in statue and popularity of the public that are tuning in to follow the game very closely. The World Cup is not just only about football, other than it is also an event that can enchant and engage those who are not interested in sport.

Many Singaporeans are enthusiastic over football with several matches and so many people are making a choice between their loyalty profession and passion for the game. Moreover, employers should embrace the spirit of football,by building employee morale through celebration and a culture of teamwork. While business is bound to be affected to some extent by the World Cup, there are actions that can be taken by employers in order to minimize disruption and maintain smooth operation, is trying to accommodate the preferences of employees ardent to watch the games.

However, employers experienced about the level of absenteeism and results in the productivity loss by the business during the tournament. As a result, they should keep track on those employees who are involved in all the projects that have to be completed during the tournament period. To evade deadlines and other disruption arise from manpower shortage, temporary staff can fill the gaps where needed if the staff working on such projects is fervent football fans.

Thousands of people are glued to their television or computer screens because of the post match celebrations or lack of sleep, as fans in some cases may stay up till early hours of the morning just to watch the games, and probably be sleepy or even absent for work the next day. For final approaches some people are likely to watch replays on their computers in the office, having post match discussions, as well as participate in online forums.

Firms in Singapore ought to show respect to employees passions by allowing flexible working hours, shift swops and even unpaid leave to make sure that they can obtain pleasure in the spectacle, while still maintained workplace professionalism. In some other countries, there are people that demonstrate their passion for football by quitting their job just to watch the World Cup. World Cup party like football fanatic around the world, are all set to immerse in the World Cup fever. Bar owner, manager of electronics store in addition to beer dealers can't wait to welcome money splashing customers as the most watched sport event in the world that takes off.

Some employers have adopted a selective and conditional approach, making any leave reliant on the company condition at the time including the employee function and role. Others have sought to benefit from the games as a channel for social interaction and a team building initiative among the staff.







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